Saturday, January 16, 2010

They're Here!!!!

Well, our little ones decided they couldn't wait any longer and one day short of 35 weeks they made their grand entrance Thursday January 14th. Here is the short version (in my opinion) of their arrival. I had continued to have contractions but they hadn't really gotten worse or a lot closer together but I was feeling a bit crummy when I was trying to sleep Wednesday evening. I woke up at about 5:00 a.m. Thursday morning to my water breaking which scared me a bit, mostly because Tyler decided to go home to Logan, of course the night before so he was an hour away. I called him before I called the nurse so he could speed over here. It had snowed the night before so he nearly got in an accident trying to get here before they arrived. He did make it in time though. The contractions got really painful after my water broke and I went from 1 cm dialated to 4 cm in less than an hour. Needless to say it got very painful very fast, so I didn't hesitate to get the epidural quickly since I would be getting one anyway regardless of which way I finally decided to deliver them. I did decide to go with the c- section because I was so worried they wouldn't be able to get Zoe out quickly enough because she was in there kind of sideways she was going to come out second. The c-section was fairly frightening for me because they had to keep giving me more and more drugs to keep me from freaking out because the pressure and pulling caused me so much pain and anxiety. The doctor showed me the babies for just a second and then they were whisked away to get checked and get oxygen. Ezra Tyler weighed 4 lbs. 12 oz. and 18 in. long. Zoe Renee weighed 4 lbs. 10 oz. and she was 18 & 1/2 in. long. Tyler and I were instantly in love with them when we got to go into the NICU and check them out after they had been born. They both have different features that are from each of us. Ezra got my big lips and Zoe got Tyler's cute nose. She is very feminine looking and Ezra looks like a boy (actually a wrinkly little old man). I'm crazy about them! Even though it's been a painful pregnancy and a painful recovery, staring at them and watching Tyler stare and sing to them makes it all feel so worth all of the pain. Anyway I could gush all day about them but I'll wrap it up. I forgot the cord that connects my camera to my computer so i'll have to post lots of pictures later. More posts to come.


Chris and Logan said...

Congratulations, I am so happy that they're here and they're healthy! I'm sure they are just they cutest things! Make sure to post pictures soon.

The Wilsons said...

So glad you guys are doing well and that they arrived safely! That does sound like a crazy delivery though, but you MADE IT! I'm sure it felt like a long time coming, but now you get to enjoy those sweet little ones! :) Can't wait to see more pics!

Melanie said...

Congrats! That is so great! Good luck. Hope your recovery is easy!

...DAVE and KATHRYN... said...

CONGRATS!! I'm glad Tyler made it in time! Nothing like a close call to add more stress!

I'm so happy for you & can't wait to see more pictures! So, how are they doing in the NICU? Have they given you any guesses how long they'll be there?

Howards said...

oh congrats to both of you! It is such a great feeling to have healthy babies and it really does make the miserable pregnancy and delivery all worth it. Of course I cannot relate at all what you must have felt like but congrats and just enjoy every stage of them growing.

Coby & Ash said...

Get some pics up QUICK!!! (I'm VERY impatiently waiting...) Glad they are here and healthy! We love you guys!