Friday, January 22, 2010

Proud Papa!

Daddy's little girl already!

This is me holding Zoe. I didn't want to put very many
pictures of my face because it got really swollen.

Sweet little Ezra. Can you tell he has my lips?
And Tyler's eyes under there?

I don't know who this is but I just love Tyler's face.


The Prices said...

I know that I have only seen them in pictures, but I am still sticking with my original assessment...I think Zoe looks like Tyler and Ezra looks like Lissy. They are both gorgeous. I can't wait to see them in person. Love all FOUR of you guys!!

...DAVE and KATHRYN... said...

HOORAY for pictures! They are so dang cute--WAY TO GO Lys & Tyler :)

I'm dying for updates on how they're doing!!