Friday, May 7, 2010

Stressful day!

Today has been quite a challenge, so I thought I'd post a really cute picture of my babies so that it will remind me of how cute they are (most days!!!). Ezra has been pooping all day, I bathed him and he did great fell asleep on me after and then I put him down in his crib for a nap, so I could start Zoe's bath. She loved her bath too, but hated getting out and being cold for a minute. She screamed (you know the ones where they turn purple from screaming) meanwhile Ezra woke up and started screaming himself. So I put a onesie on Zoe grabbed Ezra and set them both on my bed so I could go get some milk (even though they had only eaten maybe two hours ago) I came back into the room to, two purple screaming babies that wouldn't calm down for anything. Don't even think about insulting them with a pacifier or then you'll really be sorry! I put the milk into bottles and put them in hot water (babies still screaming bloody murder) put them both into their boppies and said screw it and started feeding them really cold milk. Of course they calmed down immediately but then I was stupid enough to take the bottle out of Ezra's mouth to get myself situated and immediately the screaming resumed. I quickly put it back in his mouth and still screaming. I couldn't get him to realize that it was back in his mouth. Oh and both babies only ate about half of what they normally eat. Maybe they are both sick or something. Regardless I felt like I was going to collapse after this experience. They are both asleep right now but I know I only have about 20 minutes before they both wake up again. I have so many things I should be doing during this 20 minutes but I just can't muster the energy. Just needed to vent!


Jared, Beth, Carter, Maylee and Bridger said...

I can't even imagine having two at the same time! One at time was enough work for me! All I can say is good job for not losing your mind with two and good luck, hope the rest of your day goes better! I promise it'll get easier, or I guess it does with one, you'll have to let me know if it does with two!? :)

The Prices said...

I know the feeling of just needing to vent. If you want, you can ship them to me and I'll keep them for a couple of weeks. I miss them so much and just want to cuddle them. Just be thankful that they are getting better over all.