This is what our living room looked like before we started painting.
My mom thought the color looked like the bottom of a swimming pool.
Brian got all of the really tough spots. (That ladder is on the stairs)
Thanks again everyone who helped out.
It made the daunting job much less daunting.
Since we finished painting, Tyler and I (well mostly me) have been having fun decorating. It's much more fun to decorate when you have you're own home to decorate in rather that an apartment, which is all we've have had till now. We have a lot of projects we're going to try to get to this Summer. Unfortunately we won't be able to put in a sprinkler system and lawn until next Summer because of money, but there are plenty of other projects to keep us busy. I think our next purchase will be a grill, so we can invited friends and family up for a housewarming BBQ!
I couldn't fit all the pics in one entry so below are pics of what the paint looks like now.
I couldn't fit all the pics in one entry so below are pics of what the paint looks like now.