Tyler just left for and Army band gig out in Murray and I'm home bored as usual, so I thought I just write my thoughts for the day. I don't think I've ever really done a real blog entry before, it's mostly just pictures of happenings in our lives, so here goes my thoughts for the day.... Oh and I'll explain the picture later.
Tyler and I both worked at the Post Office today, and it was such a beautiful day. It might seem weird, but I really don't mind delivering mail when the weather is nice like today. The only thing I don't like about sorting the mail at the Post Office is that I have way too much time to just sit, actually stand, and think. Don't get me wrong pondering about life is good, but having a few hours a day to ponder just gets annoying. I think that is part of the reason why I have to take a nap almost everyday when I get home. My mind just needs a break.
Was anyone else disappointed with the season finale of The Office? I really need to have Jim and Pam get married... for my sanity. I don't think I can handle having them possibly split up in the next season. I kind of like the new character though they brought in to take Toby's place. Maybe Michael can get married and have a baby with the new character. Ha!
There are a family of birds living in our bathroom vent. I noticed chirping every time I went in there and I honestly thought I was going crazy, but finally Tyler told me he heard it too. Soon we figured out that there is a vent covering that is missing on the side of our townhome and they must have pushed their way through it and built a nest and had babies in there. Every time I accidently turn on the fan in there the image of baby birds being sucked up to their death flashes through my mind. Tyler's dad said they won't leave till the babies are ready to venture out and fly. I guess I'll have to deal with the chirping for another month.
I'm not sure what to do with my life as far as a career. Every time Tyler brings it up, I try to change the subject because I don't want to have to face possibly getting more schooling or starting a scary new job. I don't want to work at the Post Office forever. I didn't go to college for four and a half years to do that, but I guess I just hate the process of finding a new job or figuring out what I really want to do enough that I wouldn't mind just staying at the Post Office the rest of the Summer. I've narrowed down my list of possible career choices but again it makes me nervous. I'm not good with big decisions. Hate 'em!
There are a couple of new movies coming out that I'm excited to see. First off Indiana Jones looks good. I wish Harrison Ford was a bit younger for it but oh well. He's still pretty good looking. Tyler and I need to sit down and watch the first three before we go. Second, The Chronicles of Narnia looks pretty good and I think I remember Adam (my bro) telling me that he helped work on some of the graphics for the movie, so I want to see it for that reason too. Speaking of Adam, I don't know about anyone else in my family but I would love to see some pictures and actual entries on Adams blog. I know you have your new expensive camera and you're living in one of the most beautiful countries in the world, so come on Ad lets see some pictures!! In fact, I promise you (Adam if you read this) if you put one or two good entries with pictures on your blog, I will send you a package with your favorite food or candy that you can't get in New Zealand immediately! I got side tracked there back to movies coming out. I heard somewhere that they are planning on making "Arrested Development" the movie. For fans of the show including myself this is exciting news. If you never got into the show, go and buy or rent the first season on DVD and watch 3 or 4 episodes and trust me you'll be a fan. This is why I have the picture posted above.
I think that about wraps up my thoughts for the day, thanks for reading.