Well, pretty much everyone already knows our exciting news, but for those who don't WE"RE HAVING TWINS! We could not be more thrilled and we already can't wait till they're here. I'm just about 13 weeks along and I'm already starting to take the shape of a whale. I guess this is a best excuse there is to gain a big belly though. I think I'm just starting to get over the really sick phase which is good because for awhile there I couldn't figure out how people do this more than once. We won't know if they're boys girls or one of each for a bit. They are not identical though so we could be lucky and get one of each! I'll try to be better about updating my blog now that we have something fun to update everyone about.
Congrats! I had no idea. That's quite an interesting ultra sound picture!
HOORAY! I'm so stinkin' excited for you guys :) ...when you say "we won't know if they're boys, girls or one of each" you just mean for a while right? Or are you not planning to find out before they're born?!
It was SO fun to hang out the other night...needs to happen again real soon!
HOORAY!!!!!!!! I can't wait to know what they are so I can start buying baby stuf!!!
ok so I just found your blog. This is great news. Plus the great news of you having twins..it's just all so great! And you're back in cache valley...sigh..i miss it! hope all is well!!
Congrats again to the both of you! Such fun news! Can't wait to hear all the updates! We are SO excited for you! Let me know when you are able to get together! And I'm sure you look nothing like a whale! It's just so hard to imagine you with any sort of belly! But it truly is the funnest time! Enjoy it! Miss ya!
Okay so this is so random, but a few weeks ago I had a dream that some person that I didn't know called to ask me if I wanted to adopt their twins. I said no, but my cousin Tyler and his wife might want to. SO weird that I would even think (dream) of you, but maybe somehow I subconsiously knew...haha...anyways, CONGRATS!
Congrats! that is so great! I am excited for you. Please please keep us updated! and I agree with Kim I cannot picture you with any kind of belly and you will be one to walk out of the hospital with your skinny jeans on.
Congrats Alyssa!!!! That is so exciting! How did you end up having twins? Are they on your side of the family or Tyler's? I'm so excited for you!! Keep us updated! You'll love being a mom! :)
Congrats again! I always wanted twins (until I had one) ;) If you guys need anything just let me know =)
That is so great! Congrats! Hope you feel well.
YAY!!!! I couldn't be more happy for you guys! Congrats!! You will be awesome parents!
I just heard the news on what you are having from Grams! Congrats that is AWESOMELY PERFECT!!!
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